2022 UK Study: Employer One-Off Payments

In reply to the sudden and major economic strands comprising the cost of living crisis of 2022, a number of companies paid their employees a one-off amount in addition to their regular pay rise.

In late 2022 surveys by both the CBI and CIPD flagged that this practice is likely to be seen in 2023 - alongside both the regular pay rise, and other interventions such as enhanced benefits and accelerated pay review dates.

The linked CORPGO study examines the profile of 27 companies operating one-off pay or bonus arrangements in 2022. It also flags some longer-term implications.

Prices do not drop when inflation slows or stops. They just stop rising as fast as before. So, the expected 2023 inflation slow down will be welcome for many, but for most low paid and many middle paid employees, the cost of living crisis will continue this year.

Companies too often face economic headwinds, so how the 2023 pay budget is set and allocated is even more important than in prior years.

Money worries often add strongly to worker stress, with knock-on physical health, and productivity implications. Employers have both a moral and a sound financial motive to engage with this problem.

In addition, investors are asking that executive director pay rises are set below that of the workforce overall in 2023. Restraint is the watchword for both the Investment Association and ISS for example. This was mentioned in our email "Between a Rock and a Hard Place" recently.

Please get in touch if you would like to discuss the implications for your business.

If you wish to contribute any news examples or similar practices or thinking in your business, we would be delighted to hear from you.

It seems that 2023 is likely to become a very sensitive year for pay arrangements, from bottom to top.

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VA Bec Bostock - [email protected]

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